Monday, February 5, 2007

Want to Learn to Draw?

I don't know about you, but I've never been very good at drawing. A couple of weeks ago even my three year old son's drawings looked better than mine.But I LOVE it! Whenever there's a bit of paper and a pen to hand, I'm doodling ... people, cars, aeroplanes ... drawing little cartoons and wishing I was better at it. Like those guys in the dailies I really admire: Schulz, Gary Larson ... and Lou Darvas.But something really exciting is happening. I AM getting better. Much better. So much better in fact that I'm about to be paid for my first ever cartoon in a local paper!I wish I could tell you that I just put in hours and hours of practice until I learned the necessary skills. But I didn't. Instead, I took a course.... and it's changed my life.I enrolled upon Lou Darvas' brand new course Draw Cartoons Today! Lou is one of my cartooning heroes. His stuff graces some of the US's biggest publications and he's become a millionaire several times over from his craft.Where my art teacher and hours of practice have failed, Lou has succeeded. In simple steps he took me through how to create great cartoon characters and draw them with ease ... even the hands, which was the bit I always struggled with! Better still, he's shown me how to turn my new-found skills into an income -- drawing cartoons for publications, caricatures for friends and family ... and even for complete strangers via eBay!If you want to take your doodles and turn them into fantastic, fee-earning cartoons in less than three months, you really need to check this out:

Sunday, February 4, 2007

This is brand new - MoneyBlocks

Have you ever wanted to get into something so new - before everyone else? Here's your chance!
MoneyBlocks just launched and I have already made my money back! This is a new idea in marketing. What is MyMoneyBlocks? It is truly the easiest 'no brainer' and you better get on this one before a 100 competitors clone this idea! This New Powerful Money Machine produces results, and yet is the simpliest thing ever. It consists of a very orgional site using blocks on the pages. The blocks make you moola, the page itself makes dough, and the advertising can get you visitors.
Come and see why this is my favorite!
Melissa Thompson